Csi Bridge 2014 Keygen Download
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Computers and Structures, Inc. Released CSiBridge 2014 16.0.2, the newest version of offers besides bugs fixes: powerful parametric design of concrete and steel bridges and memory capacity of the graphical user interface has been increased to handle larger models. Modeling, analysis and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSiBridge to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools. The ease with which all of these tasks can be accomplished makes CSiBridge the most versatile and productive software program available on the market today. Using CSiBridge, engineers can easily define complex bridge geometries, boundary conditions and load cases.
The bridge models are defined parametrically, using terms that are familiar to bridge engineers such as layout lines, spans, bearings, abutments, bents, hinges and post-tensioning. The software creates spine, shell or solid object models that update automatically as the bridge definition parameters are changed. CSiBridge design allows for quick and easy design and retrofitting of steel and concrete bridges. The parametric modeler allows the user to build simple or complex bridge models and to make changes efficiently while maintaining total control over the design process. Lanes and vehicles can be defined quickly and include width effects.
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