Novell Edirectory Evaluation License
Novell eDirectory 8.7 on Linux - Linux StepByStep Novell eDirectory 8.7 on Linux Prepared by on February 7 2003 Revision History Revision v2.0 February 2003 Revised by Pascal Chong Covers version 8.7 Revision v1.0 October 2002 Revised by Pascal Chong Initial public release. Covers version 8.6x Table of Contents 1. Introduction For those of you who are curious about how - or whether - Novell products work on Linux, this document attempts to give the Linux user or administrator a quick start on Novell eDirectory. 1.1 Why Am I Writing This? For those who are wondering, I am NOT an employee of Novell, I used to work for a reseller, but that is not the reason why I am an advocate of Novell's eDirectory product. My first introduction to Novell, was with Netware (of course) v3.12. It was a great product, but I was not a fan of its pricing or its platform support.
I thought then that if they took NDS out and made it available on the Linux platform, and gave it a reasonable price tag, I would consider it. Well, with the latest version of eDirectory, Novell has done just that. Novell eDirectory is a renaming of NDS, and everything I liked about NDS back in 1997 is still there, and it is better than before because of comprehensive LDAP support. 1.2 Copyright and Caveats This document is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
1.3 What is Novell eDirectory? Novell eDirectory is an LDAP-enabled directory server. This product originates from NDS, the Novell Directory Services, and is its present incarnation.
It can be used as an LDAP server, but the LDAP schema maps to Novell's NDS schema. EDirectory is NOT Netware and does not require Netware to run on any platform. Any LDAP-compliant application can interface with eDirectory, often without needing to change the code, because eDirectory supports standard LDAP syntax. 1.4 What is NDS? Novell Directory Services (NDS) debuted in 1994, and was derived from the Xerox X.500 database scheme. Although NDS was, and still is, primarily, the facility that allowed you to create users and groups on the Netware network. Novell eDirectory has the ability to exist on many platforms, other than Netware, including Windows NT/2000, Linux and Solaris.
1.5 What is LDAP? LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It was originally designed as a protocol to access data stored in a X.500 directory.
Novell eDirectory License (Not As Bundled Offering) This license grant applies to You if You did not acquire the Software as part of a Bundled Offering. Use the Software is limited solely to internal evaluation purposes in accordance with the terms of the evaluation offering under which You received the Software.
The goal of LDAP was to standardize the way network applications access distributed directory information. For more information about LDAP, and to answer the question of, 1.6 How is eDirectory different from other LDAP servers?
There are significant differences in performance, structure, and even object storage capabilities between eDirectory and other competing directory server products. All this is documented on Novell's website, as well as on other websites and newsgroups out there, on the Internet. For me, the user/group model is the main advantage for eDirectory for System Integrators and people who have to deploy and administer directories, especially in my region, Asia.

LDAP requires the directory administrator to understand the structure of LDAP directories, which consists of attributes, object classes and values. Someone who is new to directory services will find the learning curve particularly steep. However, just about every administrator I know, is familiar with creating users and groups. Yes, even Windows administrators. A quick glance at ConsoleOne, the administration utility for eDirectory and other Novell products, shows a familiar interface, with just a hint of LDAP complexity in the directory tree in the left pane.
System Requirements The procedures in this document were tested with, but it should work equally well with other rpm-based Linux systems. 2.1 Hardware Requirements • Minimum processor speed: 200MHz Pentium (for ConsoleOne) • Minimum RAM: 128MB • Minimum Hard Disk space: 90MB for eDirectory, 25MB for Administration utilities Please note that if you are going to use Novell eDirectory in a production environment with a lot of users, refer to the server sizing guide in the product documentation. 2.2 Software Requirements • Minimum Linux kernel version: 2.2 • Recommended kernel version: 2.4.18 or better ()• Minimum glibc version: 2.1.3 • Recommended glibc version: 2.2 ()• Latest glibc patches installed () • gettext must be installed.
Gettext is, according to its website, 'a set of tools that provides a framework to help other GNU packages produce multi-lingual messages'. For more information, see • Officially supported Linux distribution: Red Hat 7.2/7.3 2.3 Pre-Install Checks Before beginning the installation, you will need to check certain parameters in your Linux server/workstation: Enable Multicasting. You will need to check your routing table for an existing specific multicasting entry. Login as root and execute the following command, #/bin/netstat -rn Existing routes will be printed to screen. Look for the following entry If you do not see this, then you will need to add the necessary entry. Again, as root user, execute the following command, (this assumes that you have just one network card and it is recognized by your system as eth0. #route add -net netmask dev eth0 If you have more than one eDirectory server on the same network.
You will need to use NTP to synchronize the time on your systems. You probably should have an NTP server configured on your network, if your company is fairly large. I have encountered problems starting my eDirectory server if the NTP connection is lost or unavailable. An indication that this may be the problem is when the NDS daemon fails to start at boot time.
Installing Novell eDirectory The great thing -to me anyway- about Novell eDirectory is that it doesn't take a powerful server with lots of RAM and a fast processor, to run it. But you do need to ensure that the are done. This will save you a lot of time and trouble later. Installation consists of a few stages: • Downloading the eDirectory tarball, and related patches • Generating licence files to be used with the product • Uncompressing the tarball and installing the rpm files • Applying necessary patches • Configuring the server and creating your first directory tree • Testing and administering the system using ConsoleOne 3.1 Downloading Novell eDirectory At the time this Step was written, the eDirectory tarball can be downloaded from:.
More information about eDirectory can be found at this URL: Before you begin downloading, you will need to fill out an evaluation license request form, which can be found. After which, the license will be emailed to the email address you have specified.
You will need to save the license files, which have the extensions.nfk and.nlf. You will need it later, during the installation. Once you have filled out the request form and submitted it, you can proceed to download the software. At the time this Step was written, it can be found. If you have not already done so, you will need to create a Novell login account. You will use the username and password to login to the member section and begin downloading. Hf Patch Oppai Slider 2 Mod on this page. Download Free Typetool 3 Rapidshare Software Downloads. Create a directory and download the software into that directory.
Then login as root and begin unpacking the software. So, supposing we created a directory /Downloads/novell, # cd /Downloads/novell # tar -zxvf edir* 3.2 Installing Novell eDirectory Now we can begin installing eDirectory. Login as root and execute the following commands # cd /Downloads/novell/Linux/setup #./nds-install You will see the following message appear:%% Welcome to the installation of Novell eDirectory 8.7.0%% The Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) for Linux End User License Agreement will now be displayed.%% Please read the agreement carefully before accepting the terms.%% Press ENTER to continue. Press and you will see The following Software License and Limited Warranty is translated into several languages. Please go to the /licenses directory at the root of this CD to find the appropriate language for you. If You agree to the terms, click 'Accept' or select 'Accept License Agreement'.
If You do not agree to the terms, click 'Cancel' or select 'Exit'. Novell(r) eDirectory(tm) 8.7 Novell Software License Agreement PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY.
THE SOFTW ARE MAY NOT BE SOLD, TRANSFERRED, OR FURTHER DISTRIBUTED EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY NOVELL. (c)1993, 2000-2002 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Novell is a registered trademark and eDirectory and NMAS are trademarks of Novell, Inc. In the United States and other countries.%% Do you accept the terms of the Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) license agreement '[y/n/q]? ' Press y and to continue.%% List of Novell eDirectory (8.7.0) components available to install%% 1 Novell eDirectory Server%% 2 Novell eDirectory Administration Utilities%% 3 Management Console for Novell eDirectory (ConsoleOne)%% Select the components you wish to install [?, q]: You will need all three, so key in 1,2,3 and.%% Enter the path to License File (.nfk): You will now need to specify the path to your license files that should have come to you via email, after you filled out and submitted the evaluation request form earlier. If you have not received it, or if you have lost it, simply go back to the evaluation form, fill it out and submit it again.
Then check your email and save the attached.nfk and.nls files into a directory on your local hard drive and key in the location at the above prompt, then press. Installation will proceed.%% Installing NICI-2.4.1 Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:nici ########################################### [100%] Initializing NICI. Done.%% License file Copied.%% Adding packages.
########################################### [100%] 1:NDSslp ########################################### [100%] Starting NDS SLP services. Done Preparing.
########################################### [100%] 1:NDSmasv ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSbase ########################################### [100%] Preparing.
########################################### [100%] 1:NLDAPsdk ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NLDAPbase ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDScommon ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLpkis ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLpkia ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLpkit ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLsas ########################################### [100%] Preparing.
########################################### [100%] 1:ntls ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSserv ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSrepair ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSimon ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLsnmp ########################################### [100%] Preparing.
########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLsubag ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLnmas ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLembox ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLlmgnt ########################################### [100%] Preparing.
########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLstlog ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLxis ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLice ########################################### [100%] Preparing. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSdxevnt ########################################### [100%]%% Installing ConsoleOne.
You will now be asked about the languages you wish to install. The following is a list of languages that are available to install. 1 English 2 French 3 All Select the languages you wish to install [?,q]: Next, you will be presented with a list of ConsoleOne extensions or Snap-Ins that you can choose to install. ConsoleOne is the administration and management tool you will use to interface with eDirectory.
You can choose to install all the Snap-Ins or just the ones that you will be using. At a minimum, you will need 1,2,3,4,6. For my deployment, I wanted everything except the WAN Manager because I am deploying eDirectory on a small SoHo LAN. The following are all the available snapins you can choose to install 0 NONE 1 ICE Snapin 2 Index Manager Snapin 3 LDAP Snapin 4 SLP Snapin 5 WAN Manager Snapin 6 PKI Snapin 7 Filtered Replica Snapin 8 All Select the snapin(s) you wish to install [?,q]: 1,2,3,4,6,7 ConsoleOne is a Java application, and the installer will next ask if you wish to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that comes with the product. This is the IBM JRE, an excellent choice because of its speed and support, in my opinion (see my StepByStep on IBM's Java). I strongly recommend that you install it, even if you currently have Java installed on your system. It installs into /opt/IBM-Java2-13 directory, so you might want to check if you are already using IBM's Java.
Do you wish to install Java Runtime Environment [y,n,q]? Key in y and installation will proceed.%% Adding package IBMJava2-JRE. ########################################### [100%] 1:IBMJava2-JRE ########################################### [100%]%% Adding package NOVLc1. ########################################### [100%] 1:NOVLc1 ########################################### [100%]%% Adding package NDSsice. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsice ########################################### [100%]%% Adding package NDSsimgr.
########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsimgr ########################################### [100%]%% Adding package NDSsldap. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsldap ########################################### [100%]%% Adding package NDSsslp. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSsslp ########################################### [100%]%% Adding package NDSspki. ########################################### [100%] 1:NDSspki ########################################### [100%]%% Adding package NDSsfrep.