Microsoft Train Simulator Serial Number
This is what it's all about The imaginatively titled Microsoft Train Simulator recreates six different railway routes spread across America, Japan and Europe, with around 800km of track to explore. Settings vary from the commuter belt between Washington DC and Philadelphia to the picturesque Austrian Alps, and the addition of both seasonal and weather effects provides even more variety for both the game's graphics and the handling of your train. Each of the tracks has been lovingly recreated and, apart from the dull Tokyo to Hakone route with its narrow strip of tall featureless buildings on either side of the track, the locations are generally very good. Highlights include driving over the Marias Pass in Montana during a winter snow storm and crossing the Japanese island of Kyushu with its steep gradients, spectacular scenery and switchbacks.
Oct 17, 2002 - RE: Trainz - serial number invalid. Stopped by & saw your post ref not being able to register at Auran.I have both Trainz and MSTS, and I think Auran is doing a major DISERVICE to all those who own Trainz (second hand), as many times the original owers have registered the serial number, and that.

Simply driving a train up and down a length of track is perhaps not the most exciting way to spend your evening though, and although it is possible to perform some impressive gravity-defying high speed derailments, this isn't likely to keep you entertained for long. And if it does, please seek immediate professional help. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Thankfully then Kuju have included several 'activities' for you to carry out on each route. These range from a simple summer commuter run through Tokyo to guiding a mile-long goods train over a steep mountain pass, or helping to solve the 'Murder On The Orient Express' by following a detective's requests to drop off various carriages along the route.
The activities are rather hit and miss though, and Kuju seem to have gone out of their way to make your life a misery at times. For example, which bright spark came up with the idea of putting a temporary speed limit in the middle of the game's longest tunnel in one activity? Spending over a minute driving through a dark winding tunnel at a snail's pace is not fun, however you look at it. What's next, Microsoft Subway Simulator? All the excitement of The Tube on your PC, accurately recreating the entire London Underground, New York Subway and Paris Metro in sixteen million shades of black. You also have to wonder why Kuju decided to make activities end after your passengers have disembarked at the last station on your route.
There's no way to skip this, and given that pedestrians aren't rendered in the game you can't even watch them getting on and off. Sitting in a station for up to two minutes waiting for invisible passengers to board your train is frustrating to say the least, especially when you know that you have effectively finished the mission already. Everything Is Under Control. This is heaven for a born lever puller But it's not all bad news. Spending an hour driving a dingy electric shuttle train through Tokyo stopping at stations every five hundred meters is not likely to prove particularly entertaining for any but the most hardcore of train fanatics, but some of the activities are genuinely enjoyable. The game has a strange charm about it, and driving a tourist train through the valleys of Kyushu, for example, can be both relaxing and fun, even if the lengthy stops for your non-existent passengers to get out and admire the view are somewhat less amusing.
The trains themselves are usually very easy to control, with just three sets of keys that you need to know - throttle, brakes and reverser, which (as the name suggests) controls whether you move forwards or backwards. Controlling a steam engine is somewhat more complicated as you have to worry about pressure and water supply, although you can at least let the computer shovel coal into the firebox for you if you're not a total masochist. There are tutorials for each class of locomotive (steam, diesel and electric), but as each of them starts with the same introduction to the interface and there is no way to skip parts of the lesson you already know about, they can be rather repetitive.
There are also a number of driver aids to help you out, including a stats read-out for when you are driving from one of the exterior cameras and can't see your dashboard, and a 'next station display' which tells you how far you are from your next stop, when you are due to get there, and what time it is now. The most important aid though is the 'track monitor', a one dimensional map which shows the track as a straight line, with upcoming signals and speed limits marked on it for you. Sound And Vision. Now this has to be bad news You will probably spend most of your time driving the train from inside the cab, but there is a chase cam which can be rotated, zoomed and moved up and down the length of your train to give you a better view of your surroundings, while the vertical 'yard view' can be useful when shunting carriages through sidings, allowing you to scroll around to see where the points are and how to get your train from one track to another. There is also an artistic but essentially useless trackside view, which shows you the train speeding past as seen from a series of fixed cameras dotted along the length of the track.
Sure to prove popular with trainspotters and journalists looking for a pretty screenshot, it shows off the detailed train models and often beautiful scenery to maximum effect, although occasionally you will end up staring at an extreme close-up of the back of a tree sprite. In passenger trains you can even see the action (such as it is) from inside one of the carriages, but these are not very pretty to look at and have a very limited field of view. Sadly the audio hasn't received the same attention to detail, and the steam locomotives in particular sounded decidely wimpy to me. There are no real ambient sounds apart from the tolling of bells at level crossings and car horns from nearby traffic, and the sound in general seems primitive and lacking in punch and imagination. The low system requirements have also lead to a few strange compromises in the graphics department, like the way it seems to stop snowing outside whenever you go into a tunnel. Most worrying though are the overhead wires, which often stretch for miles with no visible means of support, just hanging in mid-air above the track. Conclusion Train Simulator is something of a mixed bag.
There are some nice stretches of track to travel on and plenty of things to do along the way, but several of the activities are downright dull, while others are marred by questionable design decisions such as lengthy stops and the excessive use of temporary speed limits in the most boring parts of a track. This was a brave first attempt by Kuju and Microsoft which will no doubt appeal to trainspotters and railway enthusiasts, but for your average gamer there's not really enough here to make it an essential purchase. Cute, but unrewarding in the long run.
Eye Candy 6 / 10 Microsoft Train Simulator Gestalt Review - EuroGamer's thin controller investigates this bizarre new train driving 'game' 2001-07-24T13:55:00+01:00 6 10.
Free Reggae Drum Kit. Jimk4490 I had asked this a few months ago I provided the link below I liked the Microsoft train simulator and it worked well on XP. Additionally it runs well on slower computers that I have. I like my Trainz as well but am not sure that it would run on XP well. I have this on one of my newer computers and it runs well and I run it on an older one (3 yr old laptop with 1 gig of RAM) which runs very very slowly.
I have been able to find free and pay 'extras' for both. And for the controller ABC posted, I want that! Finally I loved playing Railroad tycoon III and I have run that on XP as well.
Though it is not a Train Simulator game, it was still fun! Robert Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: CNE Runner on January 13, 2010, 10:57:33 AM. A (much younger) friend of mine told me he had read, on a gaming site, that Microsoft was coming out with a new version of MS Train Simulator.
My complaint with MS TS is that there aren't many scenarios to use - and one gets bored playing the same situation over and over again. I like the Sweethaven Harbor add on; but again there are only two or three problems to solve. Too bad these programs aren't as inclusive as Flight Simulator (something I used to recommend for my primary flight training students when I was in the biz). Ray Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: hminky on January 13, 2010, 11:13:07 AM. A (much younger) friend of mine told me he had read, on a gaming site, that Microsoft was coming out with a new version of MS Train Simulator. My complaint with MS TS is that there aren't many scenarios to use - and one gets bored playing the same situation over and over again. I like the Sweethaven Harbor add on; but again there are only two or three problems to solve.
Too bad these programs aren't as inclusive as Flight Simulator (something I used to recommend for my primary flight training students when I was in the biz). Ray MSTS2 has been dead for a long time, Microsoft disbanded that group.
If you have the computer horsepower go with Trainz 2010, otherwise go with Trainz 2006. It is great fun to run a 100 car coal train on the Clinchfield in the '70's or just run around the Reading with an 1860's train. I find it relaxing to just run trains. Harold Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: jimk4490 on January 13, 2010, 11:56:12 AM. I have one of the original Microsoft Train Simulator Games. When I bought it, it was supposed operate on X/P as well as earlier operating systems.
I couldn'tget it to run properly I installed it on a computer with a earlier OS and it worked very well, there is a tutorial included on the disk. Unfortunately I lost two Harddrives alreadyand my current computer has a new CPU operating on Vista for which the MTS2 was supposed to be created. I am upgrading to system 7 soon. The images from MTS2 are really good. Shame Microsoft will lose out on sales to a probably good market.
No Guts No Glory. The controller is listed in the current Walthers catalog. Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: Heave on January 14, 2010, 02:12:41 PM. I have the Tycoon series, the MSTS Original Simulator for a while. They worked well.
I build my own rigs when money allows once or twice a decade and they do well. Trainz was pretty good if you accept from the start that thier convoluted and unnecessarily complicated download files system just dont work at all. And when it finally did with the 2008 version, the bandwidth was throttled to dailup speeds. I have 6 mbits on hand with DSL and I will be damned if I have to wait 30 minutes to pull a engine file the size of a floppy disk. (1meg) I am accustomed to pulling a gig file in that time.
I have not bought any new train simulators. I prefer American Steam from the Civil War through the Post War era and all I see are either foreign engines or BNSF type engines from the big railroads. Maplestory V62 Hacks. Disclosure, I do fly FSX alot with Heavy Bombers from Wings of Power series and also the 747 from Microsoft and enjoy it well.
I find it realistic enough for my local area near KLIT airport. With that in mind, I look forward to finding a Train sim that matches my steam interests and is well done. So I just have to keep looking. I prefer to buy my software on Ebay with retail packing because Best Buy and other stores pretty much quit selling PC games and only sell mountains of Console (Nintendo TV type games) now. I like the controller very much, but the 150 price is just too expensive.
However why am I griping when I just finished that On30 2-6-6-2 at twice that amount? Something to think about. Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: hminky on January 14, 2010, 02:33:07 PM. Get Trainz 2006 it runs better than 2009: 'Trainz The Complete Collections' It cost about $10 at Amazon.
Get Trainz Tuner: (Trainz Tuner allows the draw distance to increase. Trainz 2006 beats MSTS hands down, the MSTS isn't really fun to use. I have used them all.
I even have Andre Ming's wonderful 1890's railroad for MSTS and still think MSTS stinks!!! Harold Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: jimk4490 on January 22, 2010, 09:32:05 AM. Well I finally got it registered. Seems that although I got a big red error message saying I was not registered, I was actually somehow registered. I was able to register my serial number so I can download a few things. Unfortunately when I tried to do a down load nothing happens, The Download center shows my download as being in progress, but after two days I don't even have 1KB of a 1.3 M file!!??? >:(:( Anybody having any luck downloading???
Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: Santa Fe buff on January 28, 2010, 10:51:55 PM. Trainz Classics 1&2! Twenty dollars, but the best you can probably buy.
It is better than MSTS, it takes time to get some real good content, but just look at some of the stuff you can get for free: The user-interface is remarkable too! It's very easy to create routes and places to drive. Cheers, Joshua Title: Re: Train Simulator Post by: ALCO1 on January 31, 2010, 01:01:37 AM.